© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Poor horses :\

Day 90: Wolfgang Amadeus

Zagreb, Croatia – Vienna, Austria

On the move again! Early morning train to Vienna, Austria. Arrived late in the afternoon and met two fellow Americans, Amelia and Taylor, with whom I shared the same room at Wombat Hostel. This hostel is by far the cleanest, spacious and most modern I’ve stayed at so far. Not knowing much at all about Vienna, I ended up going with Amelia and Taylor to the city center. And later in the evening, we went to watch the Mozart orchestra at the Musikverein. Supposedly this is what Vienna is famous for.

My take on this? Two words: boring and expensive.

Priced at $32, it felt not unlike I was put on hold on the phone on customer service. A really lonnggggggg hold! Call me uncivilized, but this really isn’t my cup of tea. Too dainty and frilly :\

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