© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Framed hallway

Day 75: The Medium Is The Message?

Zagreb, Croatia

On her way to work, Mirta dropped me off Maksimir Park where I spent two hours walking around and relaxing on the bench under the shades writing my blog entries.

Then it’s onto Mirogoj cemetery. Boy, is this place pretty. I guess it’s made for the livings, cos the dead ones can’t really enjoy the view. The buildings and the crawling vines totally reminded me of the flying castle in my favourite cartoon “Laputa, Castle in the Sky.” Even though I have this crazy obsession of the idea of going to space, I think if Laputa existed, I would have rather gone there instead.

The afternoon venture was very much different from the greenery in the morning. I went to Zagreb’s one and half year old Museum of Modern Art. This place is pure concrete and metal but I had an equally awesome time here. I must have been there for more than 3 hours.

As for the evening, I just stayed in at Mirta’s hanging out with her and Bagi.


  1. Thomas
    Posted 7 Aug at 1:07 am | Permalink

    Glad to see you picked up where you left off!
    Your “hosts” seem really nice. Reffering to them as hosts makes you sound like a parasite.
    The dog seems awesome!
    Keep the pics coming. It was nice having lunch with you when you were back.
    Also I figured you would like the name of your new fear of bed bugs:
    Entomophobia: Commonly, this condition might be referred to as the “fear of insects or bugs”.
    Enjoy sleeping!

  2. Nathan
    Posted 7 Aug at 1:48 am | Permalink

    Funnnnn !!!! Mauu >:[

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