© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Destination Zagreb

Day 70: Ferry, Train and Plane

Vela Luka – Split – Zagreb, Croatia

5:30 in the morning, I was on board the ferry in the rainy morning, heading to Split.

By 8:50am, I was on a fast train towards Zagreb.

So the gameplan was to head out to Zagreb and spent a few days there hanging out with Kris and Ivana and sort out my beg bug issues. But by 8 in the evening, I clicked the “confirm” button on the my netbook for tomorrow’s 8:30am ticket back home to NYC.

There had been so many plot twists happening in this past week that Kris compared it  to James Bond’s action thriller. The truth is, the whole bug incident was like a huge wrench being thrown into the machine, rendering all possibilities impossible. The remaining most logical option was to just head home, go see the doctor, recuperate and let the bites and inflammation die down, and return on August 1st to meet up with Elly and continue the trip.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Yeah, I know… = Da, znam…


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