© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Promenade in Vela Luka

Day 69: All Ablaze

Vela Luka, Croatia

As planned, when the post office opened in the morning, I sent a package of my unused stuffs home.

Since it’s Fourth of July, Storm and I had been talking about having a BBQ to celebrate. I went to purchase the food necessary and brought them to the staff house. I was there waiting for the lot to come back from work from the dive center, only to find out that Bobby and Billy would be joining. And to top it off, they didn’t want me there, saying that the staff house was private property and I was no longer welcomed. Geez, it felt like being back in second grade all over again.

Later in the evening, after chatting with Kris, I ditched the plan to travel east towards Turkey. Kris is a good ol’ internet friend in Zagreb that I have known since I was 16 but never met. He kept warning me that it’s a bad bad idea for me to travel through Bosnia and Serbia on my own. I didn’t heed the plan originally but judging from my condition with the bed bug bites and all, I thought his suggestion on me going to Zagreb for the time being would be best. He and his girlfriend would help me sort out the bed bug problem. This whole bug incident had left me quite in the state of despair and paranoia. Although I changed apartment, I couldn’t be sure if any of the bugs had hitchhiked on my backpack :O

So folks, I’ll finally be leaving this bay tomorrow after my two-month stay. I sure will miss Pizzeta Alfa…

Croatian phrase of the day:

Kapiram te = I know what you mean

One Comment

  1. Dov Zingerman
    Posted 11 Jul at 7:18 am | Permalink

    I wish you will have better places to travel, ISRAEL is surly one of them.I realized that your intership ended up really BAD. Againnot all pepole in the world are like Bobby and Marjolien ,cheer up.


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