© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Big Fish Small Fish

Day 35: Big Fish Small Fish

Vela Luka, Croatia

I woke up with a sore throat and aching body today. I considered really hard if I ought to ask Bobby to not have me lead dives in the afternoon. I decided not to even bother to ask since I knew we wouldn’t have any replacement divers.

I ended up managing the day quite well. I was out of the boat from 7:45 in the morning with half hour break around noon then out of the sea again until 6 in the evening. I actually was in a really good spirit throughout the evening. I think it’s mainly due to the fact that I found out that I’d have a day off tomorrow. I went to Alfa with the rest of the staffs and did a bit of bar hopping afterward. I did not have any drinks though, as usual.

On our way back to the staff house, we bumped into some of the Polish divers sitting by the sea banks drinking wine and smoking. We sat with them for an hour or so just chatting away under the night sky. The group became bigger and bigger as the other Polish divers who happened to stroll by also joined us. It was close to 1am when we got home.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Slatki snovi! = Sweet dreams!



  1. nathan kr
    Posted 3 Jun at 10:10 pm | Permalink

    kalo capek jgn di paksain. ntar jadi sakit. jgn lupa makan yg banyak .
    and oh yeah i miss you :)

    ps: dont forget to email me the addy of the diving center

    • Elys
      Posted 6 Jun at 2:50 pm | Permalink

      Hehe iya, ini kayanya malah makan kebanyakan!

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