© 2012 Elys. All rights reserved. This is contemporary

Day 450: Vienna, Round 2

Vienna, Austria

I had visited Vienna last year. Wasn’t planning for another visit at all. The reason I was back was due to the fact that there’s no direct bus ride from Macedonia to Slovakia.

There were a couple museums that I had wanted to check out last time I was in town. I didn’t have the time. One of them is the Leopold Museum which houses work by Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt.

As evening approached, I went back to my hostel to grab my backpack to relocate to Xin’s apartment. Xin would be hosting me for the next few days. I sent him a super late couch request when I  was browsing through Vienna CS events. There’s this brain/script storming meet up to talk about possible short movie or documentary project. Xin was the coordinator of the event.

The meet up turned out to be quite a success. All the CS-ers were enthusiastic about the project and every one of us had different sort of skills to contribute. The group agreed to meet up once every week. I wished I lived in Vienna. It would have been fun.

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