© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. View of Erzebert Hid (Elizabeth Bridge) from Gellert Hill

Day 77: Aly, Walk With Me

Zagreb, Croatia – Budapest, Hungary

Mirta drove me to the Zagreb railway and by 10am, I was onboard the train heading to Budapest. One way ticket cost $45 and the trip took 6 hours. The ride was quite lame as there’s no air conditioning on the train.

In my compartment were two other solo female travellers: a Brazilian and an Aussie. The girl from Brazil told me she had been staying in airports mostly during her travel to cut down on cost. I guess people do travel all sort of way. If you’re interested in sleeping in airports, check out this handy website The Guide to Sleeping in Airports (it has reviews on airports all around the world).

Reached Budapest’s hostel around 6 in the evening. I went out to check out the surrounding area and kinda just walked across this bridge overseeing a big statue. Decided to just hike up there for some photo session. That pretty much sums up the day.

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