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Day 76: Dođi Bagi!

Zagreb, Croatia

Mirta didn’t have to work today due to a Croatian national holiday. She, Bagi and I went to Lake Jarun and spent some relaxing and fun time there. Lake Jarun and the park surrounding it are where locals come to jog, rollerblade, bike, swim, boat row and do a bunch of other sports activities.

Since Mirta and I both suck at sports, this was what we ended up doing (click on pic and wait to for the animated .GIF to load):

 Later in the afternoon, we met up with Kris and Ivana at a cafe and had deep conversation about Euro crisis (it was Kris who mostly did the talking cos I for sure was clueless about it). It’s so cool to finally meet Ivana in person as well. It feels weird that I still remember when Kris wrote me an email about him getting together with Ivana. I reckon that must have been a decade ago. Time flies! Too bad, Kris got caught up with work and everything during my stay in Zagreb. Would have loved to spend more time with them!



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