© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. David and Bird Poo on His Face

Day 64: Oh No, Oh My!

Vela Luka, Croatia

Today was a weird day. I was on boat duty in the morning and then I went back to the staff house during lunch time to eat. Mikey and David walked in. I thought they were also both on lunch break but it turned out that Mikey was escorting David back to pack his luggage and leave the staff house. Come to think of it, I did notice when I was leaving the dive center that Bobby and David were having some sort of discussion. Guess things didn’t work out and he quit and Bobby told him to leave the staff house :(

While Mikey and I was chilling at our front yard chatting, waiting for David to pack, he commented on how big the baby birds (in the nest on top of our front door) had grown. He walked over to check them out, and out they flew from their nests and at that very moment, David walked out the door brushing his teeth. The timing couldn’t have been more precise, cos bird poo just landed straight on David’s face :]

In the evening, we decided to have a BBQ. David had bought a bunch of hamburgers and hot dogs material yesterday saying that he wanted to have a BBQ for Adam. Adam, one of our instructors, would be leaving in a couple of day’s time to head back to Poland and the off to his trip to Asia with his girlfriend. Well, who would have guessed that David himself would be leaving too.

Some photos from the evening:

Croatian phrase of the day:

Imate li nešto za cariniti? = Do you have anything to declare?




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