© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Yay!

Day 63: Tellin’ Stories

Vela Luka – Blato – Prizba – Brna – Smokvica – Zavalatica – Cara – Pupnat – Korcula, Croatia

David also had a day off today so he and I rented a scooter and off we went to check out the island. We took the route by the water and stopped by all the towns along the way to Korcula town: Blato, Prizba, Brna, Smokvica, Zavalatica, Cara, Pupnat. The views were stunning!

And things were always funny when you’re around David. He’s the most random and hilarious person I met so far. First of all, when we stepped out of the staff house, he just straight stopped a passing car and asked them if it’s heading to the town center and pretty much hopped on the car without asking for permission. Good thing the Croatians were nice. Then in a neighbouring town, he knocked on the door of a closed monastery and somehow ended up having a nun unlocking rooms for us and showing us around. Somehow, he got away with things, not sure how.

We had an awesome lunch today. The meat dish is called Cevapcici, it’s really really tasty.

I also got to ride the scooter for a bit. It’s much heavier than I had imagined. Made me realize I made the right decision not to rent a scooter and ride it on my own during my first day off. I wouldn’t have been able to handle it all the way to Korcula.

On the evening, David and I almost ran out of gas and barely made it to the gas station. And when we got there, the station was closed and we had to wait for an hour for it to reopen. But a French couple, also on a scooter, told us they had been buying the gas from that very station with water bottle and then poured it into the scooter’s gas tank. So interestingly enough, we couldn’t bring the scooter in to fill the tank but we could still technically buy gas by filling it into containers. I couldn’t figure out the logic :\ We ended up running back and forth buying gas per liter with the water bottle for six times. Fun time, fun time :]

The ride home felt longer and I was dozing off on sitting on the scooter. I kept telling David the Spanish phrase I picked up from him earlier today “Me estoy quedando dormida.”

Croatian phrase of the day:

Koliko traje putovanje do Korcula? = How long is the journey to Korcula?


One Comment

  1. Dov Zingerman
    Posted 3 Jul at 8:50 am | Permalink

    Elys I will be sorry if you decide to quit your DM course. I can understand you pretty well and to be honest I was hopping Boby to be more friendly to me as return customer, money is not alway to main issue.I don’t know how far are you from achieving your goal,but if your are more than half way i will advise you to continue, other places other pepole you will meet in future ,not all we be 100% to your expectations cheer up. Good luck

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