© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Not Sure Who They Were.... But I Kept Hearing the Name Francesca

Day 59: Row Row Row the Boat

Vela Luka, Croatia

A bunch of things happened today making it an easy blog entry day.

I had my normal dive leading in the morning and then my navigation specialty course with Storm and David in the afternoon. To practice using the compass, Billy had us go to the parking lot above our dive center. We were to use the compass heading to navigate an octagon shape. I knew what was coming since I had joined both Billy and Tom on their teaching of similar course before.

Poor David was rather lost because he could only half understand Billy’s English. When Billy saw David swaying left and right while walking with his arm stretched out and the compass in front of him, he went “David mate, are you looking at your compass???” And David went “No, I close my eyes” in his Spanish accent. I would pay mad money to see Billy’s expression again :]

It wasn’t until later at the staff house did we find out from David why he closed his eyes. We were laughing over the incident and David went “Yes, Billy said to follow Elys. I saw Elys, she closed her eyes.” LOL!!! Just because I have small slanted asian eyes, doesn’t mean I sleepwalked through my navigation course! He cracked us all up like crazy :D

After work, I rushed to the post office to pick up a birthday package that Nathan sent me. It had been sitting there for a few days now and I had not had the chance at all to pick it up.

There was a huge crowd by the port at the post office. Turned out that there’s the boat rowing competition going on. I went over to check it out and take some photos. Out of nowhere, an old man grabbed me by the arm and walked me over to the food stands area and told me that I could get free food. For those who knew me “Free” and “Food” may be my two favourite combined words. Hehe. And hey hey, it’s a plate full of grill fish too!

Later on, I made my way into the crowd, not knowing what exactly to look for and next thing I knew, I was actually standing next to where they were handing out the trophy to the team that won the boat rowing competition. I got to record the event on my iPhone.

My lucky streak didn’t end just there. I got home, opened my package and here’s what I found inside :D (Darren wrote me the cutest card that said “Sended by Nathan and Darren.”)

Croatian phrase of the day:

Ispričavam se! = Excuse me! (to pass by)





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