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Day 57: My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels

Vela Luka, Croatia

Today was definitely not my day. I was at the dive center from 7am till 11pm and things did not go too smoothly either.

I had to guide two dives in the morning. On the first dive, one of my divers shot up on me from 17 meters of depth. I was swimming along and noticing that he’s floating a bit higher from me. I gave him the sign to come down lower, next thing I know, he’s floating further up and I tried to grab hold of him. He must have inflated his BCD cos I had trouble keeping him down even with my BCD fully deflated. Next thing I knew, I was closing in on the surface with him. That scared the shit out of me; we must have shot up from 17 meters to 0 meter in 30 seconds! Good thing, both of us were okay…

Then later during my night dive, I also spent all my time in the water chasing divers up and down :\

When I finally got home at 11:30pm, I realized that I had not taken any photo for the day. So here’s one. It’s shitty cos it’s a failed long exposure shot of the stars. The night sky here sure is beautiful though; one can see way more stars than back home.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Moja je lebdjelica puna jegulja = My hovercraft is full of eels

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