© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Sunset and Yacht

Day 54: The Tangent Universe

Vela Luka, Croatia

I was supposed to join Tihana to pick up her new car in Dubrovnik today. But to do so, I’d have had to catch the 5:15am ferry off the island. Obviously, that didn’t work out. I woke up close to noon :]

Plan B was to visit a neighbouring island called Lastovo. Pretty much failed this one as well since I didn’t do my homework on checking out the ferry departure time the day before. Anyway, I strolled into the dive center to use the internet. Attila was there finishing his last day of diving with us. He offered to give me a ride on his bike to check out some parts of Vela Luka later in the afternoon. I glady accepted the offer. I had been planning to go to a place called Hum Hill for the last month but kept chickening out of the idea of having to walk/trek 2 hours from the staff house. It’s also good to have a buddy to do touristy sort of thing for a change. I was dead jealous of Storm and Adam when they had the day off at the same day yesterday and went out fishing on a boat.

Hum Hill turned out to be brilliant! Much much better than Vela Spila (Big Cave). Photos taken up there:There was supposed to be a GeoCache somewhere around the fort. We punched in the coordinates into Attila’s GPS since my iPhone needed internet to run the GeoCache app. Found the spot through the GPS but nothing was there… no Cache! Bummer…

Attila and I also took another short trekking route to a fire watch station on another hill nearby. Bumped into this guy all alone with his radio on his fire watch shift. Made me wonder if he had the best job in the world or the most boring. The view from up top his station was breathtaking.

Coming down the hill, we decided to go to Poplat, a cove which is one of our 35 dive sites. It was interesting seeing the cove from another perspective. I’d only seen it off the boat or its underwater scenery. The water’s turquoise colour was much more brilliant and the sunset made everything really picturesque. Of course, not having to work (ie. Carrying tanks, dropping anchor, donning the scuba gear, leading dives etc.) was another plus :]

Later on, I had dinner with Attila and he said he got me covered. He found out from my blog that I just had my birthday last week and said he would treat me. Hooray!

So aye, it was an awesome day off. Got to sleep in, got my Internet fix, got a company, got to travel around and relax and got to have proper lunch and dinner instead of Muesli+yogurt lunch and canned beans+eggs dinner.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Ovdje/ Tamo = Here/There




  1. Attila
    Posted 26 Jun at 8:14 pm | Permalink

    I had a great day too and I’m glad I was part of Your nice day.
    I hope you have many more like that or better in Vela Luka and on your later travels.

  2. nathan
    Posted 28 Jun at 2:05 am | Permalink

    nice :)

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