© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. 20110615_Main

Day 50: Urban Explorers

Vela Luka, Croatia

We learnt from Billy that there’s supposed to be a long lunar eclipse in the evening. So after work and after dinner at Alfa, Andy suggested that we go to this abandoned hotel and go to the rooftop to take photos of the eclipse.

He first explored the abandoned hotel three years ago when he was interning here. He’s telling us how he discovered a safe with old money in it (which he left alone), a wooden door that led to a meat room with hooks, and an office with all the leftover paperworks etc.

It sounded extremely interesting so off we all went. We had on us head torches, and backpacks and camera, looking like proper urban explorers. It felt kinda like being in the Silent Hill game.

Some photos we ended up with:

We never did get to see the eclipse. We didn’t even spot the moon. It was not until the next day did with find out that the eclipse lasted for hours and we pretty much were trying to find the moon in the middle of it. Duh….

We did get this photo of the nightsky though:

Croatian phrase of the day:

Nisam znao da je pristup zabranjen! = I didn’t know it was a restricted area!


  1. Richard
    Posted 19 Jun at 10:22 pm | Permalink

    That looks like a very eery place. I wonder why it was abandoned…

    • Elys
      Posted 22 Jun at 12:35 pm | Permalink

      Not sure… The hand paintings sure looked disturbing. They should have done them all in red, it’d be even more so :]

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