Monthly Archives: May 2011

Fjaka... Whatever That Means

Day 11: Ahoy, Mate!

Vela Luka, Croatia I went in to the dive center at 7:30am to find out that I was set to go on boat duties with seven client divers from France. I was psyched! The task was tough however. By the time the boat left shore […]

Little Andre

Day 10: Obey Andre the Giant

Vela Luka, Croatia I started off my first day off with a visit to the bank in the town center. I had to transfer money to a backpacking hostel in Split so I can receive my Euro<26 card. It’s a sort of youth card that […]

Night Lights

Day 9: Phantom Broadcast

Vela Luka, Croatia Tomorrow’s a day off!!! I’ve been waiting for my day off to go explore this town and its surrounding. I haven’t had the chance to do this since I’ve been here. I had planned to go to Vela Spila (Big Cave) but […]

Dead Snail

Day 8: Slave to the Wage (Except That There’s No Wage)

Vela Luka, Croatia Cleaning gutter wasn’t really my expertise but now it is. During the flushing out of the gutter pipe, I felt bad for the snails that lived inside it. It must have been like a tsunami for them. I ended up compiling them […]

Dive Center

Day 7: Come Into My Office, Baby…

Vela Luka, Croatia Today’s entry will be a short one since there’s not much to tell. But per popular demand, here’s a photo of me with my bucket and mop. I tried to pull off a smile but it’s obvious it’s not working out too […]

Pizzetta Adriatik

Day 6: Račun, molim Vas.

Vela Luka, Croatia It was an uneventful day at the dive center today. No client divers; and the instructors were all busy teaching Instructor Dive Course to our instructor interns. Aside from my regular mopping duty, I tried my best to study my Dive Master manual […]


Day 5: Island of Great Complexity

Vela Luka, Croatia I came to realize really fast that this 3-month internship won’t be much of a “holiday.” I was escaping from my 5-day 9-6 job in the States to a 6-day 7-7 job! And instead of sitting on my arse in front of […]