© 2011 Eric. All rights reserved. Getting Ready to Descend

Day 30: Ready for the Descent

Vela Luka, Croatia

I had to give dive leading another two tries today. It was with the same group of divers minus Dov because he’s going back to Israel. I had never been to the two sites. They’re called “Monk Seal Bay” and “Vranine.”

Adam, a Polish instructor that we have (who also did his Divemaster internship here two years ago), is an architect. During his internship, he was tasked with Charlie to do underwater mapping and do the sketches. They did a wonderful job. These dive maps are used to do dive briefing.

Anyway, the dive leadings went pretty good. I slowed down quite a bit and at Vranine, we spotted at least 7 lobsters :D I had a bit trouble finding the anchor and the boat but Billy was quick to correct my direction.

Some photos:

Croatian phrase of the day:

Koliko  je ovo? = How much is this?

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