© 2011 Dov. All rights reserved. The Cathedral in the Blue Hole

Day 29: The Blue Hole

Vela Luka, Croatia

I had two dives today with guest diver Ton, Eric and Dov. Billy was the dive guide and I was to observe him dive leading. The first site that we dived at was called Blue Hole. It’s a really really beautiful site. We basically went down to 28 meters and from then we slowly ascended in an angle towards around 16 meters where we would find the entrance to the Blue Hole. There are two openings inside the cave when light shines in and we call the area “The Cathedral.” It’s an awesome sight!

Anyway, during the beginning of this dive, Ton and I went off going towards the wrong direction and not following Billy the dive guide. I was buddied up with Ton so I did the stupid thing by just following him and not thinking much. It was an honest mistake :(
Billy had to chase us down and he was pretty pissed off. Eric took some pictures of the incidents and laughed his arse off when we’re back on the boat.

On our second dive, the site was called “Saddle.” I had never been there before yet I was expected to lead the dive. I did an okay job, I managed to find the boat on our way back (which was my biggest concern.) A few mishaps that I did was I literally sprinted my dive, I totally ignored the sceneries hence failing to point out any interesting animals/plants, and I was coming really low on air. I was down to 25 bar of air while Eric was still hanging around taking pictures refusing to take notice of my sign for ascend. Photographers!

All and all, it was a good experience. Billy debriefed me on the dive and what I did right/wrong. I was expected to lead two more dives tomorrow.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Od kud si = Where are you from?





  1. sarah
    Posted 29 May at 6:08 am | Permalink

    you gotta learn somehow! each time will get better. sounds like fun!

  2. Steve
    Posted 31 May at 12:44 pm | Permalink

    These pics are amazing!

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