© 2011 Dov. All rights reserved. Observing Andy Teaching OWC

Day 28: 28 Days Later :)

Vela Luka, Croatia

Finally! I’ve been waiting all this time to hit my 28th day so I can use the title “28 Days Later.” Hehe, what a geek!

Today seems to be an ideal day to do a blog entry and a temperature check on my thoughts of the internship so far.

Is it anything like I had imagined?
Not exactly. A lot more intense!

Have I had moments of doubts of my being here?
Absolutely! But what I’ve realized though that is everybody at the dive center works hard and plays hard. Everybody :)

Have I learnt anything at all?
A hell lot (from tying a bow tie to speaking Croatian to leading dives)

What had I enjoyed most?
Meeting new people from all around the world with the most interesting lifestyles

What had I disliked most?
The long hour workdays and not enough days off to travel (which was why I left my old job  in the first place)

Anyway, the picture above was taken by Dov. It’s of me in the water with Andy and his student divers. Notice the camera I had in the hand? I was also tasked to take pictures of the students as they had requested a “Photo CD.” It was difficult to take photos underwater as timing is critical in order to avoid air bubbled. I did a horrible job.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Dodi = Come with me


  1. Richard
    Posted 31 May at 10:42 pm | Permalink

    Happy belated birthday Elys. I haven’t checked your blog recently since I’ve been busy myself. These underwater pictures are awwwwwesome.

    Wow I see why you love Scuba diving so much.

  2. Richard
    Posted 31 May at 10:50 pm | Permalink

    I was thinking of someone else’s birthday. Sorry! Can you edit that previous comment out. How embarrassing.

    • Elys
      Posted 1 Jun at 10:29 am | Permalink

      Hehe, it’s coming soon but not yet :]

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