© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Korcula!

Day 22: The Importance of Being Idle

Vela Luka – Korcula – Vela Luka, Croatia

Yayyyyy!!! I got  a day off today! Finally! After 12 days of 12-hour workdays!!!
I was debating either to sleep in and rest up or to use it to explore other town on the island last night but I naturally woke up at 8 in the morning so I guess off to Korcula it was for me.

The bus left at 10am and the trip took an hour. The bus station is situated across the bay from where the dive center is. It’s nice not to be there for a change! Ha!

Korcula is a nice little town, and when I say little, it’s little….. I only spent 4 hours there and I pretty much walked through most of the alleyways in the main part of the town. It’s quite a touristy place since the town boasts of being the birthplace of Marco Polo. And who the hell was Marco Polo and what the hell did he do? I, for sure, don’t know. So here’s Marco Polo’s Wiki entry in case you’re interested.

By the way, Korcula probably has the most unfriendly bunch of cats:

I finally got to put my Croatian phrases to use. I was talking to a store owner’s kid today. I went “Dobar dan, kako se ti zoves? Zovem se Elys. Drago mi ye!” on her. The mom ended up speaking to me in Croatian thinking I knew my shit.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Govorim malo Hrvatski = I speak a little Croatian


  1. nathan kr
    Posted 19 May at 10:42 am | Permalink

    marco polo is the guy that invented the swimming pool game.
    marco …… poloo … oh nevermind

    • Elys
      Posted 19 May at 12:25 pm | Permalink

      I’ve never played that game before so I wouldn’t know :) whoever he was he made a big mistake of not trademarking his name!

  2. sarah
    Posted 29 May at 5:50 am | Permalink

    that cat needs a dentist. the other one, an attitude adjustment…

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