© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. 20110801

Day 72: Second Time Is The Charm

New York, USA – Vienna, Austria

“Second time is the charm,” said Nathan to me at the airport. My mishaps from early last month probably worth entries in the Fail Blog:
Dive Master Internship – Fail
Staying at a hostel and not get attacked by bed bugs – Fail
Not return home prematurely – Fail

But hey, I’m out giving it another go. Besides, lessons learned:
I’m a way better diver now and a hell lot stronger. I now know to check mattresses before jumping on them and falling asleep like a log. And being home wasn’t such a bad idea.

So yeah, I pretty much spent the whole three weeks home with families and friends. My brother moved so I got to stay at his new house. My nephew started walking. My friends from work still dealt with the same problems in the office. My cousin got married. Nathan and I went to a few shows in the city. In one of them, I got to experience a hyped out new house indie band playing in a warehouse type venue with no air conditioning in a 40 degree Celsius day; jam packed with sweaty and doped out Williamsburg hipsters. And there I was in a long sleeve and pants because I still had bite marks all over my arms and legs. Fun!

Speaking of the bug bites, I turned out to be highly allergic to them. The bites were flaring up a few times up to three weeks after the bites. The doctor said that I got so many bites, the toxin had entered my bloodstream. As for the leftover brown marks, I’ll just have to be patient and let they disappear on their own over time. Paaatieeeeennceeeeee……. *whistling Gun & Roses’ song*


  1. nathan
    Posted 6 Aug at 12:34 am | Permalink

    hehe i have a feeling you will be okay this time ! dont forget to keep me updated !

  2. Scott
    Posted 19 Aug at 12:40 pm | Permalink

    your lucky your not allergic to yourself elys! or are you! ARGHHH!

    • Elys
      Posted 19 Aug at 2:29 pm | Permalink

      haha, i might just be eh?

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