© 2011 Elys. All rights reserved. Little Andre

Day 10: Obey Andre the Giant

Vela Luka, Croatia

I started off my first day off with a visit to the bank in the town center. I had to transfer money to a backpacking hostel in Split so I can receive my Euro<26 card. It’s a sort of youth card that allows young people to have discount to many hostels and tourist attractions. I learnt that they raised the age limit to 30 years old and I’m hitting that limit next month :( Hence the rush!

Originally I thought I wouldn’t have been able to visit Vela Spilja, but through some chance happening, which led me to a cultural office center, then the tourist information center, then a travel agency, I ended up with the key to the cave’s gate in my hand! On Vela Spilja’s information booklet, it says that the site is “mostly likely, the most significant prehistoric archaeological site in the Mediterranean region” (dating back to the last Ice Age 18,000 BC). Yet, somehow, I got hold of the key without having to give out my name.

Armed with the map and direction, I made my way up the hill. Half an hour into it, I realized I had taken the wrong path. I tracked my way back and had trouble deciphering the map through the residential alleyways. That’s when I bumped into these kids playing with sea shells in front of a garage. I thought I would give it a go by attempting to ask them the direction. It was definitely my lucky day because one of the kid, Andre, a five year-old, decided to lead me all the way to the cave. I wouldn’t even front that had it not been with his help, I wouldn’t have for the life of me figured out the way. There were supposedly markings on trees and rocks as directions, but they were at all not easy to spot. The view on the trail to the cave was really scenic. I managed to snap a panoramic photo of the entire Vela Luka bay.

The cave itself was nothing impressive. It’s huge and it had excavation holes and signs. Out of its entire 1,500 square meter interior, only 75 square meter has been explored. Even though there’s nothing much to it and nothing at all to steal, I could have easily disrupted this important site.

On my way back down, I saw Andre and his friends again. I spent a good half hour playing MouthOff on my iPhone with them. It was fun to a degree. I have had quite enough dealing with kids for the whole week.

In the afternoon, I took a trek alongside the water. It was beautiful and there are a few really nice spots to relax, watch the sea and enjoy the sun.

The day ended with a two hour nap and then a meeting with all the other divers at Pizzeria Alfa. So all and all, it was a good day off.

Croatian phrase of the day:

Dobro = Good


  1. Posted 9 May at 9:52 pm | Permalink

    oh that kid’s wearing croatia’s national soccer team jersey. love it .

    ps: itu kamu pose putri duyung sapa yg fotoin ? :p

    • Elys
      Posted 11 May at 12:44 pm | Permalink

      aku taru kameranya di batu atuh, hehe

  2. Scawt
    Posted 10 May at 8:33 pm | Permalink

    what a view Elys!!!!!!

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